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News & Articles
Local grid constraints? We’ve got you covered
Flextools offers solutions for battery energy storage owners to overcome local grid constraints and avoid paying penalties to local grid operators.
Enjoy a holiday! (We’ll qualify your BESS)
While you relax, the Flextools team is pressing ahead to pre-qualify many new MWs of battery energy storage systems (BESS).
Nordic TSOs prioritize dynamic FCR-D
Nordic TSOs decide to prioritize dynamic resources like battery energy storage in the FCR-D market. Will limit amount of static resources that will be allowed.
Case Studies
No downtime, only upside for flexible data centers
Discover how data center owners gain revenue with no downside through flexibility.
Aggregate flexible industrial loads and grow revenue
Industrial companies have production and support systems, including boilers, industrial ovens, data centers, lighting, and food processing equipment, which can contribute flexibility to the grid.
50MW wind park
Swedish wind park profits while balancing the grid. Read more about their success in the FCR-D market.