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In this project we delivered our versatile flexibility platform, flextools™. In addition we onboarded four office buildings on behav of our customer Entelios. flextools fetched price signals (simulated spot prices) from Statnett and then determined which hours to avoid and which to seek. Functionality we have productified into PriceGuard™.

More information about the project: Enfo was proud to be part of this project run by the Norwegian TSO, Statnett. We participated together with Entelios, Storebrand and IPS. More information about the project can be found here: iFleks. The project objection is to determine new and more accurate consumption models in the future power system.  One important factor in this research is to identify the price sensitivity for larger energy consumers such as offices and industry sites. In our case IPS (Ingeniør Pål Skomedal AS) adjusted and prepared one of their existing energy control systems in one large office facility. In this way the building could be integrated into Enfos flexibility platform flextools. We installed four Enformer units, and we used our PriceGuard feature to reduce and move consumption during hours with high spot prices. PriceGuard is now also available outside of the iFleks project.